
Last updated: March 20, 2025

Woombie is coming. I’m preparing to be a dad. Sarah’s pregnancy is filled with complications and tougher than most. I’m spending a lot of energy helping her.

Family has visited a few times. We’re cleaning up the apartment and buying objects for the baby. We threw “Woombie’s early 0th birthday party” as an alternative baby shower. Many friends showed up, it was delightful.

I’ve been writing a bit more. Mostly it stays in drafts. I’ve been taking up martial arts, and lifting a bit again. Spring has come, and I’m walking outside more.

For years, I’ve noticed that I’m re-reading the same books over and over again as a sort of comfort blanket. Lately, I’ve branched out and am reading new (to me) fiction again. It’s delightful.

It’s hard for Sarah to eat pretty much anything. We just made ~20 pounds of goat stew for her, which was a fun little project. We’ll probably have to make more soon.

I’m thinking about what kind of job I want next. What role: IC? Manager? Executive? What type of skills: software, product management, something else? What type of industry?

Over the last few months I’ve gotten to know my neighbors — and neighborhood — quite a lot better. Feeling more rooted. Happier. Sarah and I play a lot of Gloomhaven and watch game shows. I sing songs to Woombie and wonder if he can hear them.

I’ve detoxed from twitter almost completely. It’s not on my phone. My methadone is reddit, but it kind of sucks. Whereas twitter helps me think but makes me angry, reddit annoys me and makes me feel dumber. Theoretically substack/newsletters are the answer, but it doesn’t hit the same for some reason.

Still looking for community in Brooklyn.

This is a “now” page, as opposed to a “then” page or “about” page. You can also read about my current projects, my pre-2024 life, or just go to my latest update.