
Event Reportback: Metro Justice’s No War in Syria Rally

I used to run Since that website is defunct, I’m importing some older posts over here.

Remember the Metro Justice-led No War in Syria event?

I’ve been to my share of rallies outside the federal building. This was one of the liveliest and most fun. Maybe the visible presence of TV crews helped.

Yes, TV crews! In the legacy media, the event was covered by WHECWRDC, the Democrat and Chronicle, and WXXI. Gary McLendon at the D&C has a particularly nice article.

In the grassroots media, AlBrundage wrote a report with our friends at Rochester Indymedia:

Forty or so local activists gathered in front of the US Federal Building on September 13 2013 to send a strong message to Senators and Representatives inside.  “We do not want war with Syria.”  The rally was organized on short notice by Metro Justice and co-sponsors were Rochester Against War and Band of Rebels.

Passing cars honked their horns in support of the protesters.  One driver even stopped and offered cash to a demonstrator to support the cause.  How often does something like that happen at an antiwar rally?

The signs was abundant and clear, and my friends at the rally agreed that they were pleased to see new faces there. Good work, everyone.

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